Have You Tried Turning Server Cores Off And On Again? HPE Wants To Do It For You From GreenLake

The RPG Greetings, traveller, and welcome back to The Register Plays Games, our monthly gaming column. Before we get into it, quick story: I wasn't sure if I'd make this deadline because I came back from holiday to find my PC had acquired a fondness for crashing then rebooting anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour into playing something.
I was, as you can probably imagine with a rig that cost more than my monthly salary, utterly horrified. Event Viewer was throwing volmgr 161 (inability to create dump files) then Kernel-Power 41 (Windows hasn't the foggiest why it rebooted), no BSOD. The errors didn't point to a precise problem so I spent every second I wasn't editing Register copy experimenting, trying to exhaust all avenues to prevent hauling the computer off to someone much better at this stuff than me.
Faulty power supply? It's brand new. All the games I've tried are installed on the second SSD, could it be a corrupt disk? Also brand new but not inconceivable. As a last resort, and holding out hope for a software-based solution, I stripped out every display driver and let Windows sort itself out. Problem solved. However, this wasn't before I reseated the GPU and RAM – because… I don't even know. I was getting desperate. As I gently, and I really do mean gently, placed the stupid glass panel from the side of my tower onto the tiled kitchen floor, it exploded into hundreds of thousands of tiny shards. Shitsnacks.
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