Investment Week - 6 November 2017 digital edition

Investment Week - 6 November 2017 digital edition

This week's edition of Investment Week is now available to read online.

Click here to download the digital version of this week's issue.

This week's exclusive articles include: 

 Interest rate hike: The jury is out

Was the Monetary Policy Committee right to raise rates for the first time in a decade?

 Tax-free dividend allowance reduction

Six steps to prepare for the dividend tax grab from next April

 The Big Interview: Old Mutual Wealth's Jane Goodland

"Senior leadership need to 'walk the walk' on creating a more diverse talent pool"

 Fidelity's Alex Wright: Banking on trust

Three (and a half) reasons why banks are not as risky as you think

 Bridging the asset management gap

Where are managers falling short of FCA requirements?

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