As the world responds to crisis, digital banking has moved from being a nice-to-have to the primary way to do banking. With branch closures and increased wait times with contact centers, it is mission-critical to ensure that bank customers know how to bank digitally from home and they are aware of all digital banking features.
Most institutions across the globe have responded to social distancing mandates with carefully crafted customer communications. Much is being devoted to merchandising the bank’s digital capabilities and encouraging its use. Nearly every institution on the planet suddenly has two near-term challenges. Specifically:
1. Get the digital laggards to bank with you digitally
2. Get the active digital users to more broadly leverage the bank’s digital assets
The Horizn Platform is specifically set up to help institutions achieve these objectives. Horizn’s Employee and Customer Direct platforms are designed to support customer digital readiness, improve the customer experience, and dramatically increase digital adoption across all channels. Banks have typically focused on the “why of digital banking”, our Digital Demos have a more precise role, they focus on the “how to do” of digital banking.
Banks globally are using Horizn in their critical COVID-19 communication with customers to support digital banking by including digital demos on their homepages, COVID-19 response pages, and within dedicated customer digital banking knowledge hubs.
Senior executives are including digital demos in email communication to help customers immediately with their digital banking needs. Contact center colleagues are using digital demos to quickly answer how-to questions and send digital demos directly to customers.
This report shares best practices and examples of how banks globally are rapidly supporting digital banking:
- What are Digital Demos and how are they used to educate bank customers about digital banking?
- Learn how banks are supporting digital banking in their COVID-19 communications with customers, on websites, support pages, social ads, and email campaigns.
- Find out how contact centers are using Horizn to reduce call center volumes and help colleagues quickly answer how-to digital questions and send digital demos directly to customers.
For new customers, Horizn is committed to getting you up and running on its Customer Direct Platform and Digital Demos within two weeks to ensure all your customers can easily learn and understand how to bank digitally.
To learn more, download the report