Bremain In Spain Hits Out At Incomplete Transition Draft Deal

Published:  2 Apr at 6 PM
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Expat campaign group Bremain in Spain is more than unhappy about the recently agreed Brexit transition draft deal.

Head of Bremain in Spain Sue Wilson told it like it is, saying never before in the history of the UK has any elected government knowingly supported a move certain to damage the country. Wilson’s comment came after EU leaders late last week confirmed their support for the draft agreement presented by Michel Barnier and David Davis. The major breakthrough agreed the suggested post-Brexit transition period due to end in December 2020, within which the UK will be excluded from EU decisions but will obey EU laws.

Hailed as progress by commentators but heavily criticised by Leavers as well as Remainers, the deal was bound to create even more controversy, especially within the UK fishing industry. Extreme Brexiters including Jacob Rees-Mog believe the deal betrays Leave voters as well as Britain’s fishermen, now compelled to stay subject to EU fishing policies during the transition period. More importantly, Remainers seized on the deal’s glaring omission – the right of free movement for Britons working, retiring and living in EU member states.

Should no further improvement be made, British expats living in EU member states will be restricted to their country of residence, with those working disallowed from having cross-border clients and working across borders. According to British Ambassador to Spain Simon Manley, freedom of movement rights have yet to be agreed but the British government is prepared to push for their retention. Another, not unexpected, issue of concern was Barnier’s oft-repeated ‘nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’ comment, now being interpreted by campaign groups as a precursor for a no-deal scenario.

The Irish border remains an issue, notwithstanding the EU’s fall-back position of planting it in the middle of the Irish Sea. Apparently, the use of technology is not a solution, and May is now agreeing to the fall-back solution she rejected in February. Wilson is stunningly clear on one thing – Brexit will cause extreme harm to the UK economy, especially in Leave-voting constituencies.

She believes Brexit is not unstoppable and leaving is not inevitable, and is calling for every Brit in Spain to write to their former MPs conveying their views. The British public, she adds, should have the final say on any deal via another referendum, an option she believes is becoming ever more possible.

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