Presumptions are being made that Hidden Road has blocked all connectivity with Bybit due to factors related to KYC and money laundering issues. As per speculations, there are seemingly certain contradictory aspects to both matters. 

Incidentally, Hidden Road is a brokerage firm with the support of Citadel Securities.  

When questioned, both Bybit and Hidden Road were silent on the topic. 

Bybit, a company in Dubai, spoke to Bloomberg News and mentioned the fact that it had initiated an all-inclusive restudy of compliance factors, with regards to its business operations. Through the relook, the intention is to ascertain matters of adherence to valid and pertinent rules and enhance the method of acquiring clients via brokers. The company made no mention of how it was connected with Hidden Road in any way. 

The previous month, Bloomberg commented that Hidden Road was seeking to acquire $120 million via a series B equity round.

Hidden Road is known to offer top-of-the-line brokerage solutions, targeting foreign exchange and the online asset space.