PepsiCo's Beverage Volume Logs Double-digit Growth In September Quarter

It also said, Beverage unit volume grew 11 per cent, primarily reflecting double-digit growth in India


Pepsi | PepsiCo

Sharleen D’Souza  |  Mumbai 


In the 36 weeks ending September 3, PepsiCo’s convenient foods unit volume grew 5 per cent in the AMESA region, primarily reflecting double-digit growth in the Middle East, India and Pakistan

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India’s beverage volume witnessed a double-digit growth in India in the 12 weeks ended on September 3. Also, its convenient food volume grew in mid single-digit, the company said on Wednesday.

“Convenient foods unit volume declined 2 per cent (in Africa, Middle East and South Asia), primarily reflecting a high-single-digit decline in South Africa, partially offset by double-digit growth in the Middle East and Pakistan, and mid-single-digit growth in India,” the company said in its earnings.

It also said, Beverage unit volume grew 11 per cent, primarily reflecting double-digit growth in India.

In the 36 weeks ending September 3, PepsiCo’s convenient foods unit volume grew 5 per cent in the AMESA region, primarily reflecting double-digit growth in the Middle East, India and Pakistan. Additionally, South Africa grew slightly. It also said that its AMESA beverage unit volume grew 17 per cent, primarily reflecting double-digit growth in India.

“We are very pleased with our results for the third quarter as our business delivered 16 percent organic revenue growth and 14 per cent core constant currency earnings per share growth,” the management of said in its release.

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First Published: Wed, October 12 2022. 23:07 IST


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