Everything you need to know to start the year in sci-tech, from computer science in Irish schools to the ozone and coral reefs.
Computer science will now be a Leaving Cert subject

The Irish Government hopes that the new computer science subject will encourage more young people to get into STEM after leaving school. Image: Skylines/Shutterstock
The first Leaving Certificate exams in computer science will take place in 2020.
Microsoft to use AI to predict hundreds of illnesses from single blood test
Microsoft reveals it is to put its algorithms to good use by helping to create a single blood test that could determine dozens, if not hundreds, of illnesses.
Dan Kiely invests €200,000 in flexible working start-up Abodoo
Abodoo gets a helping hand from Dan Kiely, one of Ireland’s most successful entrepreneurs.
Speed of coral reef bleaching may make full recovery impossible
The damage being done to the world’s coral reefs has increased to such a scale that researchers now believe a full recovery is impossible.
Mark Zuckerberg promises to ‘fix’ Facebook in 2018
Facebook’s chief executive wants to make major improvements to the platform.
All iOS and Mac devices affected by Meltdown and Spectre, Apple confirms
It was inevitable that devices made by Californian giant Apple would also succumb to the CPU vulnerabilities striking terror across the tech world.
What are the next big things that angels will have a flutter on in 2018?
Angel investors get ready to take a punt on the big trends in tech.
We now have first direct proof that the ozone hole is shrinking
In one of few good news stories about our planet’s environment, scientists find the first proof that the ozone hole is shrinking.
Irish team lands lead role in European Commission internet programme
A new EU project aims to create a better internet for future generations.
Telecoms giant AT&T plans to roll out 5G in 12 US cities this year
AT&T aims to launch the first standards-based mobile 5G service in the US.