Paris' Famous Champs-Élysées Transformed Into A Massive Free Picnic With Treats From Famous Chefs

4,000 lucky Parisians were handed picnic baskets packed with treats from top Paris chefs.


The French capital’s most famous street, the Champs-Élysées, transformed into a massive picnic blanket on Sunday, as around 4,000 people sat in the sun enjoying an al fresco meal.

The lucky picnickers were selected via a draw and provided with free baskets loaded with delicacies from some of Paris' top chefs, including puff pastries and creative sandwiches.

Parisian Yasmina Train said, “I took some pictures, and I sent it to friends, you know, all over the world. You know, look what I'm doing, you know? So. So. No, I never thought about that. So, it's a dream. A dream coming true.“

The gathering happened exactly two months before Paris hosts the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics.

The food was prepared in eight temporary kitchens set up along the avenue and provided by restaurants along the avenue, which include the famous Fouquet’s - and McDonald’s.

A 216m-long tablecloth was laid from the Arc de Triomphe to the intersection of Avenue George V served as the seating area for the event.

The tablecloth had a total surface area of 4,212 square meters and was made in France from 100% recycled fibres.

This is not the first transformation of the iconic street by organisers, the Champs-Élysées Committee.

They have turned the avenue into a giant movie theatre and in 2023 nearly 5,000 people gathered for the world's largest dictation event.


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