Fears Grow For Missing British Expat Mother In Spain

Published:  10 Jan at 6 PM
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A British mother of two has now been missing from her Marbella home for over a week.

Essex-born mother of two Rebecca Muldoon disappeared on January 2 from her home in Marbella, with fears now growing as to her fate. She’d been living in Marbella for a year along with her two children aged 11 and eight. Her neighbour had found the children alone in the house, and it’s believed a person who’d been temporarily looking after the pair had contacted the police when Rebecca hadn’t returned home as arranged.

Rebecca’s friend Stephanie made a Facebook appeal last night, asking for anyone who’d seen her or knows where she is to contact Marbella police. She said Rebecca’s phone is dead and she hadn’t taken any money, her passport or clothes, adding her children were desperate for news about their Mom. According to a statement by local police last night, she had just lodged a domestic violence complaint against her partner and had been told to attend court today to ratify the complaint.

According to a local Spanish news website, police sources had said she disappeared on the same day she’d made the complaint and her partner had been arrested. At present, her two children are back in the UK and are being cared for by a family member, but her close family and friends continue to be very worried as no news in coming out about her whereabouts. According to friends, Rebecca had a breakdown earlier this year, but was recovering well and responding to treatment.

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