Milan Linate Airport has launched a new biometric facial recognition system enabling customers to pass through the airport and board their aircraft without showing documents or boarding passes.

The FaceBoarding service is available to adult passengers travelling with biometric passports or identity cards, who must first register at the kiosks in the dedicated area near check-in island 8.

A mobile app will also launch next month enabling customers to register via their smartphones.

Travellers can opt to register either for a single flight, or for a year (initial registrations are valid until 31 December, 2025).

They can then proceed to the dedicated FaceBoarding security entry, where there is one fast-track lane and two lanes for other passengers.

In addition customers can use facial recognition in lieu of their boarding pass when travelling with participating airlines – this service has initially launched with ITA Airways and SAS.

Milan Linate said that “facial images are not stored, but are only used to create a biometric template required for passing security checks and eventually board at the gate”.

“Personal data relating to the identity document are stored – in encrypted form – for a period ranging from 24 hours to 31 December, 2025, depending on the consent given by the passenger during registration,” the airport continued.

“Personal data from the boarding pass are automatically deleted 24 hours after the actual flight departure.”

More information on the FaceBoarding service can be seen here.

Earlier this year it was reported that facial recognition could replace the need to show passports at UK borders as early as this year.

The move would be made possible through the installation of smart eGates equipped with advanced facial recognition.

Facial recognition to replace need to show passports at UK border

An increased reliance on technology comes with  an increased risk of technical difficulties however – this week a nationwide outage of egates at airports including Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester and Edinburgh led to long delays at passport control.