Soon You Will Be Required To Log Into Your Netflix Account Every Month

Netflix, struggling with low revenue growth, may have found a way to boost its earnings. According to a report in The Streamable, Netflix is making its first moves to wind up password sharing among subscribers. This means that a person who is not a subscriber will not be able to log into someone else's Netflix account. Netflix hopes this will increase its subscriber base.
The report said the streaming giant has estimated that over 100 million users worldwide are using the service through someone else's login credentials. By ending account sharing, Netflix hopes to make meaningful subscriber additions and consequently boost its revenues.
How does this work? Does this mean the Netflix account is no longer shareable?
The streaming giant says a Netflix account is still shareable, but only within a household. This will mean that users will have to log in to their account either on the Netflix app or the website every 31 days at their primary location (house) while connected to their WiFi.
How would Netflix know your location?
Netflix uses IP addresses, device IDs, and account activity to track whether a device signed into an account is connected to the primary location. This, according to Netflix, will ensure that a subscriber cannot share login credentials with a person outside the household.
How can I use Netflix when away from my primary location?
There could be problems for those who want to use Netflix when outside their home. If you are on an outside network, not your household WiFi, the device in use could be blocked.
Netflix has, however, found a workaround for this issue. These users can request a temporary password from Netflix to log into their account for seven consecutive days. If you still get blocked out after meeting all these criteria (incorrectly), you will have to contact Netflix for remedial measures.
What action can Netflix take if users still share passwords?
Netflix will prompt users who try to sign into your account elsewhere to sign up for their own account and block their access until they do.
These measures are a first step in curbing account sharing that is eating into the revenues of Netflix. If these curbs fail to offer desired results, The Streamable said, harsher measures could be taken, such as imposing charges on users who give out their login credentials to others.
What about user profiles?
You can save profiles like before. This will allow users to migrate their show recommendations, watch history, and more to their own account if they decide to create one.
And how many users can log in simultaneously?
It depends on the plan a user has subscribed to.
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